The biggest new move that she's doing is pulling up to stand. She wanted to stand up while watching Josh in the bath the other night because the edge of the tub is just her height. I think she actually wanted to be in the tub with Josh, but we haven't dared do that yet. She just started crawling really well, and now she wants to stand. I think I'm in trouble because she not even 8 months yet, for pete's sake! Every time I tried to sit her down, she started crying because she just wanted to stand.
Josh is doing really well with going pee on the potty. He hasn't mastered the whole at night and nap time thing quite yet. Which is probably our fault, because we haven't even wanted to deal with that yet. I think he's getting ready, so we're almost there - just not quite yet. I swear that kid has a bladder the size of a hamster's. Same with my husband! Those two have to go to the bathroom to pee like every 15 minutes! But he's doing really well. And just in time for school.
He is also talking so much more than he was even just 6 months ago. He has made huge strides in the talking department, and now we can't get him to stop! He is talking all of the time - in the car, in the store, at home when I'm on the phone, etc. But it's really good because we were worried about him there for a while. Sometimes people still can't really understand what he's saying, but at least I know what he's saying. The articulation will come. And there are more and more 3 and 4 word sentences every day. His newest saying is, "Hold on Maddie (he actually says Maddie now, instead of Madison - so cute), just a second, it's okay." He does this when she's crying and he's trying to be a little adult. It's getting so cute to watch the interactions they have together. Big brother and little sister. I know they're going to fight, but I know Josh is going to protect his little sister when they get older.
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