
Maddie's First Tooth

Maddie got her first tooth today! It's on the bottom on the left hand side. I know, big deal - right? But it is a big deal to me. My baby is growing up, and it explains to me why she's been waking up at night and being kind of crabby! She's been chewing on her fingers like crazy lately (yes, Heidi you're right - ha!). But she's been chewing on her fingers since she was 3 months old - so I didn't really think anything of it. There have been 2 bumps on her lower gums for the past week and they've been kind of swollen. Plus, her mouth started bleeding last night - it should have hit me then, but of course, it didn't. So when I looked in her mouth today - there it was. Her tooth is just barely poking through the gum, but it's there.

Josh didn't get his first tooth until he was 9-10 months old, so she's a little earlier than he was. But so far, she's doing everything earlier. Except getting out of her swaddle! She is officially crawling and she's fast. She just hasn't learned that she can get out of spots she gets herself into. She gets into a corner and starts crying, like she's saying - come help me, please - I can't get out!

So my baby is getting older, and I'm already starting to miss the baby stage. This might be the last chance we have, so I might as well enjoy it while I can! Oh - it goes by so fast.