
Exercise Machine

Well we finally did it! We bought an elliptical machine for me to work out on. I wanted to work out in a gym, because for me, personally - I work out more frequently & stay committed for a longer period of time if I know that we're paying for a membership every month. But the only time that I would be able to work out is after the kids went to bed because Maddie is still too little to go to a gym daycare (I think anyways). And who wants to work out at night? That is my time to veg out and watch TV. Plus if I did take both kids - I'd have to pay for 2 kids to go into the daycare instead of just one. So we bought an elliptical machine from one of the guys that Brad works with. His wife hardly used it, and we got an extremely good deal on it - so I couldn't not pass it up!

Now I just have to make myself work out! I am definitely motivated - every time I look in the mirror I'm reminded just how badly I want/need to work out. I'm still going to work out at night after the kids go down, but at least I won't have to drive back and forth to a gym and waste time. This way, it's right in our house - I can just put my iPod on and rock out. But this is just temporary - the working out at night thing. Once Josh starts preschool, I'll probably work out in the morning when Maddie is taking her nap. I want to do that now, but with our basement not being finished and all - it makes it kind of hard. For those of you who don't know - our basement is just framed in, all concrete - with lots of places for a 3 year old and 7 month old to get hurt at. So we'll see how this goes working out at night. I'm kind of excited to start tonight. I know it's going to Kick. My. Butt! I definitely need it. I need to get in shape. I'm tired of looking at my post-baby body. I wish there was a quick fix - but if life were easy, it wouldn't be worth it, right?


Missa said...

amen, sister. I'm right there with you. Can't wait for winter when Cody is not so busy and I can get to the gym more often!!
And maybe do some Windsor pilates when pre-school starts!

Jennifer (Niffer) said...

Yaea, we bought an eliptical a while ago... hope you'r better about using it than I am... maybe I'll be better when school starts???