
Mommy Body

Well I've come to the conclusion that I hate the scale. I hate it, as in - I want to throw it out the window - hate it. It has been really hard for me to get used to this post-baby slash mommy body. I know in my head that I will never, ever look like I did before I had kids, and that I will never fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes that I just can't seem to throw away. But there they sit, in the basement, taunting me - saying "nah, nah, you can't wear me!" Ugh, clothes these days - they can be so cruel. Digressing.

For those of you who don't want a candid and completely blunt post, then you better stop reading. I get into some detail here, so continue at your own risk!

The hardest part (for me) really isn't my weight. It's the mommy pooch (and for those of you who don't know it's the stomach area) that I can't get rid of. It is with me forever and will not willingly go away. I keep fighting it, but it just keeps coming back. What to do, what to do? And sometimes I think, what has happened to my body. I used to look decent back in high school, and at least be proportionate. Now, I have a huge butt, the mommy pooch, and no boobs. I mean, I never really had boobs before I had kids, but then when I had both of my kids - wow, huge boobs (I should have taken a picture of what they looked like back then, because they're never going to look like that again!), and now - no boobs. And I mean, no boobs - seriously, they are nonexistent. I mean, at this point I'd at least settle for sagging boobs because I could at least push them up or something, but no. The kids just sucked them right out of me, no pun intended.

And I know, it was totally worth it. I would never wish that I hadn't had kids, and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. But it's like how YOU picture your body - not anybody else, not your friends or husbands or strangers, but you. This is not how I pictured my body being. And like I said before, it's not the weight - because I can deal with that. It's the pooch. The mommy pooch. Not that all mommies have it or anything. It's also hard to look at magazines or run into someone like my sister - who after having a child, looks EXACTLY the same as she did before she had a kid. Stupid twig! I'm just joking - about the stupid part. Don't get me wrong - I love my sister - but she's a stinkin' twig. Long legs, no pooch. Okay, I'm digressing. Ahh, the days of flat tummies and no calorie counting - wouldn't that be nice?

1 comment:

Jennifer (Niffer) said...

yeah, well at least your BMI doesn't come out "overweight"...okay just by like 0.4 or something! I feel your frustrations about the pooch! Also try adding stretch marks to the pooch, you simply cannot un-stretch those... Hang in there and check out... she's freakin' hillariouos!