

Today we went to an open house for Josh's preschool. They did this so that the kids could get used to the classroom and meet their peers. He went to preschool for a couple of months last school year at a different school. So this year, he's at an elementary school right down by our house - so it's not a 20 minute drive like it was just a few months ago. The only qualm that I have, is that this school is a lot older than the 1st one he was in. We got spoiled, but it's not a huge deal. Josh doesn't know the difference.

It was actually kind of fun today, and I wish that we had all of those toys to our disposal at home. He was so excited to meet all of his classmates and to get to know new people. Josh starts preschool on Wednesday, and I have a parent orientation on Tuesday. He is so excited and ready to start school! He had a HUGE meltdown when it was time to leave. It happens. I think the big part of it was - was that there were still kids playing and he was wondering why he had to leave. But I gave him the 5 minute warning. And when he had his meltdown - I took him aside and talked to him calmly. So I'm proud of myself, but it was completely draining!

We've had such a busy, scary, emotionally draining week. Tuesday was the big scare about Brad and his work, and that night I took our neighbors to the airport. Wednesday - we had playgroup, Thursday was a Pampered Chef open house and calls to my neighbor, and today was the open house for preschool and a trip to the vet. And then tomorrow, we're painting Josh's room, and I'm going out to dinner with a small group of friends for my birthday. What a week leading up to my birthday - I'll tell you that. We normally don't do anyting, so this is a lot for us/me. Thank God Brad has Monday off and is taking Tuesday off as well. He's going to be so bored, but it will be nice to have my hubby home!

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