
Annoying Stuff

So I am a little annoyed today. Brad is working an all-nighter tonight (boo, hoo for me), and I'm not sure what time he's getting off tomorrow. But that's not the point. We were supposed to get together with a friend tonight, and she always cancels on me - so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but nonetheless - I'm a little bummed. We tried to make other plans, but those didn't work out either (starts with a M and ends with an A) and it's not your fault that the plans didn't work out. And with me being the perpetual planner that I am, I like to know what I'm doing if Brad is working late. I think it helps keep me sane. So long story short, I'm just wondering what to do with my night. It's not a big deal that Brad won't be home, but I like to keep busy when he does - and to have plans fall through (yet again). Well, it just sucks! Okay enough complaining about that.

Another thing that I'm annoyed with - mainly because I hear this everyday (I should count how many times a day I hear it). Josh has started saying "I caunt doo et" and that's exactly how he says it too. Oh - it's so annoying. He has also started saying "I don wanna eww" - well you know what, I'm the parent and I don't care if you don't want to - just do it! Whatever it might be, please just do what I ask. Oh - 3 year olds! Brad says, if you can't beat em, join em. He kept saying to Josh "I caunt doo et". Josh just looked at him with his head turned to one side, all puzzled looking. But after hearing that for the umpteenth time - a person could go crazy!

And trust me, I could go on and on about annoying stuff - but it would probably be boring to everyone else. But annoying - like when Old Navy has yet another sale when we don't have any money (well to spend on clothes anyway). I know it's dumb stuff, but it's - well, annoying. And just one last thing, does anyone even read this stinkin' blog? I'm beginning to wonder. I know, poor pitiful me, right? I'm being very sarcastic.

Well that's out of my system, ahh I feel much better.


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Of course I don't mind at all! Thanks for the congrats. I'm ready for these last 2 months to be over but I'm enjoying the peace and quiet while I can :) Sounds like you're having a rough day! Hope things get better!! Take care and it was good to hear from you!


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

I READ THIS BLOG EVERY DAY!!!! Sorry I don't always comment! I know I want people to comment on my blog too... so sorry you're alone tonight. My advice... what I'd do if I ever had a night alone... pour a glass (or two) of wine, paint your nails, pop some popcorn and watch totally girly movies till your eyelids won't stay up. Doesn't cost much, don't need a sitter, and honestly when's the last time you did this?

Also, about your Josh... be strong! I've started sending my Josh to his bed! No toys, lights off, no stuffed animals! Till I come talk to him and let him know if he doesn't change is attitude, I'll change it for him. Also I send him away so I don't end up beating. him. to. death. Just kidding... Three sucks! with boys like our 4 probably won't be much better! Thank God school starts soon! Amen to preschool!

Unknown said...

OF course we read your blog :>

Missa said...

read it every time i see you have updated it!

I would say go get some wine coolers - but guess what - they are apparently no longer sold in Utah. (I just tried to go get some) Thank the good Lord I live in a state that takes away all my temptation so there is no way I can be an evil sinner. Thank the good Lord above.

When Finn went through the "I can't do eet" stage not long ago, all I did was the next time he asked me for something (which is never far off) I simply said you can't do what I want - I won't do what you want. Period. No more explanation, and no giving in. He quickly got over the phase. Stick to your guns and he'll come around!