
Stuff I've Been Forgetting to Write

Well I keep meaning to write a couple of things, and I always forget until I get into bed or whenever I'm away from my computer.

First, Maddie is already getting up on her hands and knees and really wants to crawl. I can't believe this because she just turned 6 months! She is pushing backwards and her poor little knees are so rug-burned it's not even funny. At first, she started doing this yoga move. She was making a plank with her body, and she hasn't even started sitting up on her own yet! Crazy.

Second, I don't know if everyone knows this but we got a dog. He is a 2 year old Lab and his name is Hawk. He's a pretty good dog and listens most of the time. Sometimes I think I have 3 kids, well maybe 4 counting Brad. He knows how to sit and stay and is really good with the kids. He hasn't tried to bite or nip at Josh, even after everything Josh does to him (pull his hair, tease him with his toy, etc.) And he loves to play fetch, which is a plus for Josh and me I guess - because Josh loves to throw the toy and Hawk likes to fetch it. It wears them both out!

Last, I think I'm starting to miss work. I've been reading a few L&D blogs and I'm starting to want to go back to work. And not just to get away from my kids! But I'm scared at the same time. Am I going to remember everything? Will it all come back to me once I start? What about starting IVs again or C-sections? It just makes me a little nervous, well alot nervous. But I guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when it happens. But I'm getting ready. So there it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woo hoo welcome to the blog world. Glad to see you online it can be so liberating.