

Yesterday we put Maddie her in little pool. We've put her in there before, but haven't gotten any pictures yet - well we finally did! Here she is in her little bathing suit that Julia let us borrow (thanks), before we had put any water in it. She loves being in her pool! She loves splashing around and getting water in her face. She just can't sit up yet on her own, which is why I have to squat down right beside her and hold her up. Even though, I don't think she'd mind if I just let go of her and let her "swim" on her belly.

She is getting so close to crawling it's not even funny. She's starting to do this move where she gets up on her hands and knees, falls forward (because she hasn't figured out how to move her arms at the same time yet), and then stretches her arms out and starts the whole process all over again. So she's moving, just very slowly! On another note, we finally got her 6 month pictures taken. Ugh! Nothing bad, it just took me forever to make the appointment and actually keep it. She's almost 7 months old! But they turned out soooo cute!!! I can't wait to get them back. I'll have to scan a couple of them and post them when I get a chance. Too cute :)

This is what she looks like after she has just woken up in the morning. She's so stinkin' cute, and is so happy in the morning. Her eyes are all squinty and she's got her little finger in her mouth. The way she does this is so cute! (And for those of you who are thinking it - no there are no pills in that bag, it's just the bag).

In this last picture, she had gotten so messy from eating that I just had to take a picture. She's really starting to grab at the spoons and trying to feed herself. Then she lifts her bib up, because she hates wearing them and I hate it when she doesn't wear them. She tries to rip her bibs off and play with the tags - so she's been getting pretty dirty!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Remember to get some video too. I remember how stressed i was at this stage in Brady's life. I look back on the videos and think "what was my problem he was adorable and loving even when he couldn't talk"
But man at the time...