
Dutch Oven Dinner

So last night we tried to go to a Dutch Oven Cook Out and let's just say that didn't work out so well. I was so excited (I know, stupid - right, it's just a Dutch Oven Dinner), but the main reason why I was excited, was that I didn't have to cook. So back to the story...we got there about 15 minutes early and the parking was packed. It was so hot and we had to park pretty far away, I thought my arms were going to fall off from pushing Maddie in the stroller. But we finally got to the area where they were having the dinner, and lo and behold, the line was like 3 miles long! We decided right then and there that we were bagging the idea of actually eating. So we just walked around and look at all of the classic cars that were around. And poor Josh, he just wanted to jump in all of the cars and drive them away. We walked around and let Josh play on the toys for a little over an hour. Poor Maddie too, because she was so hot in the stroller and was a little cranky from the whole ordeal. But we tried. I guess I didn't realize how big these things are in Utah.

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