
A Good Mom Day

Today was a good day for me. Josh was so good, which it's not that he's bad - just some days are harder than others. I mean, he's only 3. We've been all over the place today running errands, and he's listened. Tonight we got ice cream and he picked out his own, and ate all of it - which he normally doesn't do because he eats it so slowly that it melts and we have to throw it away. We came home and sat on the porch, and ate our ice cream like a cute little family. Maddie has been so good too. She hasn't been fussy at all today. What a relief. It's the little things that get me by lately. Plus, Brad was home all weekend. No working!
I even got to clean. Not that I want to mind you, but it got done - which is more than I can say for most days. So for me, it was a good day.


Missa said...
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Missa said...

it's the little things, isn't it? I love days like that.

Unknown said...

It is even better when the good days come more and more frequently.
The house, at least our house, never stays clean. But as i think back my bedroom never was clean when I was younger either. Oh well.