
The Carnival

Since Josh is getting older, we're definitely able to do more things now. And sometimes Maddie just has to come along for the ride. So we went to the city carnival tonight and it was the perfect today to do it, weather-wise. Not baby-wise. Maddie didn't take a good nap today and I thought she might fall asleep being pushed around in the stroller, but man was I wrong. Josh had a lot of fun - for the most part. He kind of got a little scared on the rides, but loved the Fun Slide :)

He went down that slide about 5 times and rode on a couple of different rides. He had so much fun. But the best part was when he went fishing. He absolutely loved that part. He won himself a little fish and was very proud. As were Brad and I. I'm so glad that we went, even though Maddie was pretty cranky - it was a lot of fun.

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