
Friend Needed

As a mom you should have a good friend that you can talk to whenever you need to. You should be able to call up this friend crying and no matter what she's doing will stop everything and listen to what you have to say about what's going on in your life. When stuff is going on, you need a friend like this to cope with the emotions and thoughts that are rattling on in your brain. And luckily I have a friend like this.

We became friends in nursing school, so we're going on 7 years now. We've been friends through our grueling time in nursing school, the sucky NCLEX exams, our kids, working, etc. And Jen, you should know that it's you!

She's one of those people that you can tell anything to, and she won't judge you. She listens and she's caring, but she tells you like it is - and that's nice. She knows what to say and when to say it, when to hold back and when not to. Honesty and trust! Those are two important characteristics in any relationship. I can tell her anything and she knows exactly what I'm talking about and where I'm coming from. We don't talk too often, but when we do - we pick up right where we left off.

As a mom, you always need to have a good friend like this. So when you get one, hold on to her - because they don't come around very often! And this friend, for me, is Jen. I just wished we lived closer to each other. With both have Joshuas and they are only 2 months apart and everytime her and I talk we find out how much alike they are. And it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that has a jumping off couches, running around like a maniac, rough and tumble kind of boy.

So Jen, this is my ode to you!

1 comment:

Jennifer (Niffer) said...

Okay, so you have me bawling! I love you babe! I think the same of you (just in case you didn't know. I hate that we don't talk that often, but I love that when we do... it's like we talked yesterday!You are the truest of friends!I'm blessed to have you in my life! Thank. you. GOD!