
Bad Day

I guess I have to take the bad days along with the good. On a scale of 1-10, I guess 10 being the best - today was a 2. I have such a headache from yelling at Josh. He was doing so well this morning, but the day has gotten progressively worse since lunchtime. And of course, the one day I want to take a nap, both of my kids don't sleep well. How do they know because I swear they do? My eyeballs actually hurt, how does that happen? And on top of all of that, Brad is still working as we speak. I haven't talked to him all day, and I hate that. I never know if something is wrong, or if it's just because he's busy. Of course, I can't complain to him about it because he'll just say - well you're not the only one that has had to go through this (being him working late, dealing with 2 young kids, etc.) I might not be the only one having had to do this, but that doesn't make it any easier. And it doesn't make me feel better when he says that, it's not like he has any idea of what I go through. It's not like he's ever had to experience what I do on a daily basis. Guys (well I should say, most guys) just don't get it. And sometimes I think Brad never will. I love my husband, but sometimes he just gets on my nerves!

What would it be like to not have kids right now? Don't get me wrong, I love my kids very much and would never wish that I hadn't had them. But, I often think about what it was like before I had kids. I guess the main thought is about being able to go out to dinner and not having to worry about sippy cups, diapers, messes, crying, leaving, not eating my dinner, etc. And what about going into the store for one item, and it only taking 5 mintues, that's right, I said 5 minutes? In and out! You can't do that when you have kids, it takes at least 20. And then there's - going to see a movie in a theater again or sleeping in on the weekends. I love my kids so much, but I need a vacation. A vacation by myself - where I can go to a spa all day long, sip margaritas, sleep, and work on my tan.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. It can only go up from here, right? Because today was defintiely a bottom for me. I just pray for God to give me patience. That's the one thing I want for Christmas, only 5 more months to go!

1 comment:

mrsv said...

Uggh...so sorry your day was crappy. I can definitely relate...not to the 2 kids part (yet), but to bad days where you just want to scream. In my experience (unfortunately...and maybe just for me) things seem to go in series of threes.

It will get better though...right? Take care...and definitely in a similar boat!