
Brad's 30th

Well yesterday was Brad's 30th birthday. It was really, REALLY uneventful for him. I had been so preoccupied with cleaning and washing everything, that I completely forgot to wish him a happy birthday until after he had gotten home. We weren't even able to get him a card, a card! I had planned on doing that when Josh was at school, but since he didn't go to school and I couldn't leave the house - it just didn't happen. I love birthdays. I love my birthday, I love going to birthday parties - so I've been really down on myself that I didn't do anything but say Happy Birthday. Brad is not too big on birthdays, so it wasn't a big deal to him - but I still feel bad. Poor Brad. Happy Birthday honey!

I'm so sad that he wasn't able to have a better birthday. I had thought about planning a surprise party for him, but I'm really glad that I didn't. Especially the way things stand right now. Josh is still sick and is now saying that his leg hurts (oh please no - I don't think I can handle another fracture and him in his boot again). It feels like everything comes in 3s, so I just pray that this is the end of everything. So it's off to wash more laundry and disinfect everything else.

1 comment:

JennGoodley said...

Oh bummer, too bad Brad doesn't like b-days. I love b-days ecspecially mine!!!!! anyways wish him a good one from me too.....I am sure that if you guys go out for a late b-day dinner then he will be happy with that. I am sure that he will understand.

I made a blog the url is Jenngoodley let me know if you need help finding it. have a good day