
Our Next President

So after watching this presidential debate, I must say that I'm more likely than ever to vote. I know, it's awful that I haven't registered to vote yet - but I haven't really paid much attention to what was going to happen to our country or what kind of president would impact my life. I was only 25 during the last election, had only been married for a year, and had just started my career. I didn't really know what I cared about, what was important to me, and what all of that meant. That was, until I had kids. Now that I have kids, I feel that I view the world in an entirely different way. I feel that I know who I am a little bit more and that I know what important to me and my life.

I want to know that our next president is going to make this world a better place for my children and for me. I know now how important it is to register to vote, because (and I know this is going to sound cliche) every vote counts. Now this is just my opinion - but if you want this country to be run the same way that it has the last 8 (count them, eight) years, then vote for McCain. But if you're looking for change and in a good way, then vote for Obama. All I kept hearing during the debate was how McCain thinks Obama is so inexperienced and that he (McCain) has the experience that the country needs. Experience isn't everything! And yes, we know he is a POW, we know, we know, we know. That's another thing that we hear about all of the time from him. What about those issues?

Please vote. Vote for change. We need a democrat as president!


mrsv said...

Here here to that!

Obama in '08!

JennGoodley said...

well you sound a bit like me. I think i am/was registerd to vote at sunset view. I think i did it once when i was 18. haven't done or cared since then. I have to agree with you though my vote is for Obama. can't actually promise you i will do it. I am not registerd to vote under Goodley. But i might decide to do it we will see. but i do agree with you the last few years have been crazy look at what our government is coming to!!!!!!!! scary!