
The Newest Happenings

Well I haven't posted any pictures of the kids lately, so I thought I'd do that on this post. The newest happenings in our lives are that Josh is doing really well in school. His teachers keep saying that he is listening very well to directions and does everything that they ask - oh, I wish that would happen at home, but at least he's good at school. He has done many art projects and loves going "over the bridge and down the slide" in the playground. He is learning so many new things, I know it was the right decision to put him in preschool this year. He loves going, and asks about school all weekend long!

Here's Josh laying on the futon. He was being so silly that day!
Here Josh is showing me is "morocykil" shirt. That's the best way I know how to pronounce it like he does. He was very proud of this picture today.
Here he is showing me his mad face. He is going through another one of his "I hate to have my picture taken" phases. When I showed him this picture after I'd taken it, he said to me "Josh is sad" - oh my heart!
Maddie just keeps standing. Up and down, up and down. Crawling everywhere and getting into all of her brothers toys and stuff she's not supposed to. She just wore some little shoes for the first time the other day, and if I do say so myself - so pretty stinkin' cute! I had to put some shoes on her because she won't leave her socks on. She's constantly taking them off, and with the weather turning a little colder - it's my only option. And this kid loves to eat - awe, one good eater - oops, I just jinxed myself. No, but she loves to eat. She'll eat anything and I mean - anything. She tries to eat rocks if she's outside! So far there is nothing that I've found that she won't eat. She's eaten avocados, pasta, carrots, zucchini, oranges, little meat sticks, tortillas, peas, olives, I mean - a lot of stuff. So hopefully this eating trend continues. It's hard to have a picky eater.

She's still not used to the shoes, but they'll have to do for now.

1 comment:

JennGoodley said...

WOW! they are both getting so BIG and cute! holly cow! they are adorable! i think you have two great kids...... they are growing up so fast i mean it seems like yesterday you were sending me your prego pics and now look at how big Maddie is! and Josh doing so well in school and such a big brother! what a great family you have. Very nice to see!