
1st Day of School

My little man is growing up so fast. Today was his first day of preschool (well sort of - he did go to school last school year, but only for 3 months - so I'm not really counting that). I thought he was going to cry, I thought I was going to cry, and maybe even Maddie (no, I'm just kidding) - but I thought Josh or I would cry. But we didn't. I dropped him off this morning and the teacher's assistant asked him to come over to the circle where some of the other kids were sitting already, and he did. He was a little shy at first, but did exactly and she said and didn't even look back! He looked so grown up and got a little misty-eyed, but I didn't cry. I lingered for a little while, just to make sure he didn't get upset. And of course, he didn't. He didn't even know I was gone - which is probably a good thing, but it's always nice to be needed.

After being in a cast and having to stay inside for 3-3 1/2 weeks, I think we were both ready for him to go to school. He needs it, and I need it. He needs more things to keep him occupied during the day, and I need a little bit of a break. So it works out both ways. He is going to go Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9-11am. It's only 2 hours, but when I went to go pick him up - he ran to me saying, "mommy, mommy" with a huge smile on his face and gave me a great big bear hug.

1 comment:

JennGoodley said...

AWWWW how cute! what great pics, I bet your heart just melted when he was so excited to see you!