
Memorial Day Weekend Part I

Yes, yes - this is late as well. It seems like I don't have any time to blog anymore. We've been so busy and a lot has happened and it seems like it's not going to stop. And I, like a lot of my other mommy friends, are quite busy these days. So here are a few catch up posts.

On Saturday (before Memorial Day, mind you) we ended up going to Brad’s aunt and uncle’s house to “camp” for the day. And the reasons why I say “camp” are because we don’t have anything to camp in, we didn’t stay overnight, and we were close to the woods but not quite in the woods. We got up there around noon, and we didn’t end up leaving until about 9pm. So it was a long day for the kids and for us, but it was definitely enjoyable and we’re glad we went up. The kids had a blast, an absolute blast. They played in the dirt and were completely covered from head to toe in dirt – but that’s what camping is all about, right? They loved seeing family members and hanging out with their 2nd cousins.

Now comes the bad part...at Brad's aunt and uncle's house there is a creek with water that is about a foot deep I guess - I don't know, I'm really bad about guessing that kind of stuff. Well the point of the story, is that there is water. They have a little wood bridge that goes across this into a little sandy area for the kids to play in with their tractors, trucks, and just to dig period. So of course this is where all of the kids are playing. And knowing my kids, and with Maddie being so little - Brad or I were right there just in case anything happened. And happen it did! Well Josh fell in (he was sitting on the edge dangling his feet, and leaned a little too far forward and slipped in - so only his shoes and socks got wet). He wasn't completely soaked - which was good because somehow I forgot to pack a pair of pants for him. So that crisis was over.

Then about 30 minutes later Maddie fell in. And she didn't just slip in. She was sitting on a rock, and must have slightly dozed off (which this is all according to Brad because I didn't actually see it, thank god), and fell forward and went right into the creek face first. Well Brad being right there, he jumped in after her - but she was completely soaked from head to toe. And this was right after I had changed her into her pants, a clean shirt, and her hoodie! So no dry pants, hoodie, shoes, etc. and we didn't have any extras. So as soon as I saw Brad holding her, I ran out of the trailer that I was in, stripped her down to her diaper and wrapped her in a towel. But she didn't even cry, it didn't really even phase her. I just think she was so tired! And poor Brad - he felt awful that it had happened, and he was soaked - his shoes, socks, pant legs - and again, no dry or extra stuff to wear. And they had just turned on the irrigation that Monday - otherwise that creek would have been dry.

So next time we go up there or go camping, we will be bringing 50 different outfits for the kids, 10 different pairs of shoes, and more clothes and shoes for us. We'll just be more prepared - well clothes-wise anyways.

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