
Slip-n-Slide Party

So Josh got invited to a Slip-n-Slide party by one of his classmates on Friday and we decided that we would go and I'm so glad that we did. And it wasn't just any ordinary slip-n-slide - it was 150 feet long! They had made it out of irrigation tarp and PVC pipe - it was awesome. And now that I'm thinking about it, I didn't even get a picture of it - dang it! And they had a hill that it went down, so it was perfect. They had the sprinklers on it, a hose, and had blow up pool toys to ride down it. Josh ended up going down it once, but he did it. They also had a huge blown up slide - one of those huge things that you can find at Costco, which Josh didn't want to get out of. There was also a big trampoline (that was maybe a foot off the ground), a huge sand box area and lots and lots of food, candy, chips, etc. - basically every kid's dream!
We stayed for about 2 hours and Josh got to visit with all of his little classmates and by the time we left, my little man crashed in the car on the way home. It was a blast, the weather had cleared up - so that was perfect and I got some great pictures. Brad worked the night before, so he was able to stay home with Maddie - which I was glad. It was great just being able to hang out with Josh and do something fun with him, and I'm glad that I didn't have to bring her because she is fearless. They had a decent sized hill/slope to their yard and I know that she would have tried to go down the "mountain", she would have been in the water, probably going down the slip-n-slide - I just would have been baby wrangling more than enjoying watching Josh have fun. So it was a good day.


Missa said...

isn't it fun to have a date with your little guy? I love it. glad you guys had fun.

haikitay said...

Thinking back was someone not looking that healthy at this little shing-ding ... glad you had fun.