
Josh is 4!!!

Wow, I can't believe that I'm even writing this but today Josh turned 4. Four!!! They just grow up too fast. So much has changed since he was 3, it's really crazy. We've moved twice, Brad got a new job, we bought a new house, Josh has changed schools, etc.

He was born at 9:11am on a Thursday and he is my little buddy. He loves his sister, sometimes more than I wish. He loves to hug her, pick her up (yes, yikes), and he watches out for her. He is a running, jumping, truck playing, non-stop energy kind of boy. His new things to say are "I promise" and "Holy smokes" and "I won". He keeps telling Brad "When I get bigger Daddy I promise that I go to work with you." It's too funny.

Today he went to school and he was the VIP. So he got to bring a toy to share and I got the pleasure of trying to come up with a snack, treat, and drink for 20 preschoolers! It all worked out, but I did get a glimpse of my life in the near future of making cupcakes or cookies in the middle of the night. After I picked him up from school, we went to grab a special bite to eat and we played outside since it was so nice out.

So here is to the birthday boy! Happy Birthday Josh. I hope that he had a good birthday.


Unknown said...

yeah how fun.
they wouldn't let me cook anything for toms birthday we had to buy the stupid things. Not a happy camper. Stupid peanut allergies.

Jill and Lonnie said...

He's getting so big . . . I mean he has that "big boy" look in his face!