
One Step Closer

Well we finally did it, we broke down and got WA license plates. And it feels weird to say that because when we lived in Utah, I wanted my WA plates back. And now I didn't want to get rid of my Utah plates - whoa! It's a small thing, but I actually liked the Utah plates (the newer ones) more than my WA ones. Oh well. My tabs were due the end of this month, so we had to get it done on the Tahoe and Brad will take his car in sometime soon. Brad also got his license switched over, and I'm dreading doing mine. I LOVE my picture on my Utah license. It was taken before I had kids (so I was still skinny) and I had long, beautiful hair. Vain, yes. But, it was before I had spit up all over my shirts, before I wore sweatpants and sweatshirts all of the time, and before I cut my hair short to accommodate getting ready faster to take care of the kids. A time when my hubby and I could go out to dinner, go to the movies, sleep in, and be alone. And I guess getting my license changed over is losing that part of myself all over again. It's a little thing with big meaning, for me anyways. Oh well, it must be done, but I'm not going to be happy about it one bit.


Missa said...

I totally hear you on the driver's license thing! I will keep my pre-kids picture as long as is heavenly possible!!

Jennifer (Niffer) said...

hey babe! I know i haven't been commenting on your blog... but i read it all the time! Miss you! I know what you mean about the new license! cling to that pre kiddo life girl!!!