

Well today we got more of the rooms organized. Brad’s mom and I got both bathrooms organized, our closet organized, the laundry room put together, she mopped the floor, and I ran to Target to grab a few more things that we needed. Brad and his dad tried to work on the phone line (again, don’t ask), got all of the cabinet locks on, put in light bulbs that were burnt out, and got more of the garage organized. Now I can almost park the Tahoe inside! After 3 months of parking it outside, it will be nice to have it in the garage. We got so much done yesterday that Brad’s parents are leaving today, and his mom won’t need to stay longer. I’m sitting by myself right now while Maddie sleeps, because everyone else is gone. Brad had to pick up his car at his parents’ house, so my boys won’t be home until late tonight! On the way up here, Brad’s dad drove the motorhome, Brad drove his dad’s truck pulling the trailer and I drove our car – so Brad had to make another trip to his parents’ house and back, but hopefully this will be the last time for a while. Until we just want to go down to visit. At least we’re only an hour and fifteen minutes away, compared to nine hours! So I don’t have any TV (DirecTV can’t come until the 23rd, the 23rd!!! Do they not know that we need TV ASAP! I have a 3 year old, people!), no internet because Qwest couldn’t hook us up, and no phone (except my cell phone). Hopefully we can get internet by Wednesday. But no TV for another week is going to be hard. Well that’s all for today.


Anonymous said...

sounds like it is time for dvds and videos baby

JennGoodley said...

No t.v. for your 3 year old??? I would be saying what about me????? LOL I can't live without my tivo. that thing runs my life, all my shows record on that and i am constantly watching it and catching up on everything i missed. bummer on the t.v. i am suprised they can't get there sooner, how busy can they really be?????