
25 Things

I posted this on Facebook, but thought it was so fun that I'd post it on here as well. I've made a few modifications though.

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you.

1. I have one younger sister, and how we turned out so completely different is beyond me. We are complete 180s of each other.

2. My parents just recently got divorced.

3. I played piano for about 8 years and I wish that I had a piano now, because I would still be playing to this day.

4. My first real job was being an Authenticator for a online training company. Big name for basically someone that makes sure that people are completing their online training. Basically just a babysitter.

5. I've lived in Washington, Oregon and Utah.

6. The furthest that I've ever been away from home was to Aruba. It was so cool to actually see the coast of Venezuela.

7. I've never done any hard core drugs or even smoked pot. I've tried the usual cigarette here and there and I do drink alcohol - but nothing else.

8. I am a very shy person, and sometimes people take that as I'm rude or that I'm being a snob. It takes me a long time to get to know someone and vice versa.

9. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You'll know exactly what I'm thinking when you see my face because I can't hide anything.

10. Gymnastics used to be my favorite sport. I was a gymnast in high school.

11. I've only had 2 serious relationships in my life.

12. I would like to travel someday. Travel as in, going to Europe and experiencing everything that goes along with that (eat the food, stay in B&Bs, etc). I can't wait until Brad and I can do this together.

13. I've had a miscarriage. It was the hardest thing that I've ever had to deal with so far. It was extremely painful and I will never forget.

14. I get pretty loud after I've had a couple of drinks in me. "Livin' on a Prayer" brings back a lot of memories for me. Don't ask!

15. I never really paid attention to the news or read the newspaper until after I had kids. Same with voting. It never seemed to matter who the president was until after I had kids. Now I want to know what is going on in the world and how it is going to affect my children.

16. I hardly wear any makeup. Maybe mascara and eye liner. I don't even own any lipstick or foundation.

17. I am a Labor and Delivery RN. I graduated from nursing school in 2002 and worked as a L&D nurse for 2 years before having Josh. I'm scared to death to go back to work, especially since it's such an ever changing specialty (and the fact that I haven't worked in almost 4 years) - but I'm excited at the same time. I'm not going back right this minute - but maybe in another 2 years or so.

18. My dream job would be to work in an OBs office. Have weekends and holidays off, but then again I wouldn't have any labors. Trade off I guess.

19. I sleep with a mask over my eyes at night. I haven't been able to break the habit since I worked night shift (um, yeah - 4 years ago!).

20. I had my appendix taken out in the 5th grade. It was the worst feeling and it was about to burst when my parents finally believed me that I was truly in pain, instead of trying to get out of going to church.

21. I pick my lips. Constantly. My lips are always dry and instead of putting chapstick on, I pick them. Gross, I know.

22. I am a type A personality. I have to have things go my way. I'm a perfectionist too. Dry erase boards are not my friend. Virgo here!

23. I used to be a nanny for triplets. It was one of the best jobs I've ever had and would do it all over again if I could.

24. I am a decent crocheter. I wish that I was better, but so far it's only scarves, oven mitts, pot holders and hats.

25. I only own 5 pairs of shoes at the moment. Sorry - couldn't think of anything else.

1 comment:

JennGoodley said...

ha ha this is kinda funny and interesting all at the same time! there are things on there i knew and things i did not. i will put it on mine too but i have to think of 25 things....that might be kind of hard