
We Made It

Well we made it to Washington. Brad got our moving truck on Tuesday and we loaded our entire 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, and some stuff in the basement house into a 24 foot truck. Our entire lives were in that truck. We couldn't have done it without the help of a couple of Brad's friends and a neighbor, John. It was so much work, moving is always so much work! Brad was able to get 4 of the guys that he used to work with to come over and help us load all of our stuff. And a guy a couple of houses down came over to help as well, so 5 guys total and Brad made 6. Six guys, and we needed them!! And I honestly don't know what we would have done without them! They were so much help, and owe them a lot.

We started loading the truck at 11am and didn't get to bed that night until midnight. After loading the truck, Brad's mom and I started the cleaning process. We cleaned the bathrooms, swept and mopped all of the floors, vacuumed, cleaned out the insides of every single cabinet, and shampooed the carpets in the family room, Josh's room, and the hallway. So our house is now pretty damn clean if you ask me! It will be nice for someone to come and look at. Then on Wednesday, I had wanted to be on the road by 8, but with all of the little last minute stuff, we didn't end up leaving until 9:30. So it's a 9-10 hour drive and it's just a long drive period, let alone driving a huge truck - poor Brad. We really wish now that we had gotten movers!! So for future reference, you might think you can do it yourself - but trust me, get movers. They might be expensive, but they are worth it!!! Maddie did great in the car, she got fussy a few times - but considering everything she's going through right now, she did awesome! And Josh did even better. He rode in the big truck with Brad the entire trip and did great! He loved riding in the big rig with daddy and didn't complain once. Right before we got to Pendleton, it started to get pretty foggy. And it starts getting dark here around 4:30, so I had to drive through really thick fog (maybe a one car visibility) for about an hour or so. At one point we were only going 35mph! It was really bad. But we made it through. Got into town about 7pm, Washington time. So it was another long day for everyone.

But we are here now. Yesterday was spent unloading the truck, and figuring out what we needed and what was going into the storage unit. There is still so much to do, but I am just too exhausted to do it. Brad is now taking the truck back and we got a couple of things in place at his parents' house. Moving is just hard period, but with me being sick, Josh and Maddie both being sick, Maddie teething - it just makes it that much harder.

It's only been 2 days, but please everyone just send good house selling vibes our way! We need some good karma in that department. We are very lucky that Deb and Dennis are letting us basically take over their house, but that's just it - it's their house. It's hard being homeless and not having a specific place for all of our stuff. But we'll get through this part and hopefully we'll have a house of our own in a couple of months! I might be complaining about this in a couple more posts, so just bare with me.


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

I'm sooo glad you're here! Sorry you're all sick, us too :(

call me after you get a little more settled.

Anonymous said...

I noticed yesterday you are out of flyers in the sign out front.

Good vibes coming your way.

JennGoodley said...

HEY....Sorry, I have not written to you in a while, I have been at my parents house and their computer was down. So I am so glad you guys made it!!!! The fog is crazy over there I know!! I hit some going over too, but coming from Seattle. Anyways I hope you guys selll your house in Utah soon and find a new one in the Tri-Cities. It is amazing how things have changed over there. Everytime I go there I am amazed at the new things they have put in and how it has grown. I know you guys are making the right choice for your family. I am so happy you guys made it safely. Everything will be fine I know it! Just remember you will have your own place soon enough.