

Well the crying sagas continue. I cry at night because I feel like I actually have a minute to myself to think about everything that has happened and everything that is going to change. I knew this (us moving) was going to happen fast, but I didn't expect it to happen this fast. I feel like I'm being pulled in 50 different directions, and I can't keep my brain on straight long enough to do anything!

I was able to get a few things accomplished yesterday. I called the newspaper to cancel our service, called the phone and TV company to cancel that, called on a couple of storage units for our stuff when we move, called the city to find out what we needed to do about our garbage cans and water, and talked with Josh's teacher about the transition. It sounds like a lot, but considering everything else that I have to do, my to-do list is much longer than my "done" list.
Now all I have to do is pack up my entire house, get our house sold, and make a 10 hour drive to move in with my in-laws. All of that on top of feeling like I might be getting sick again and now Josh is sick with a really bad cough. I know, I know - I'm just brimming with positive energy.

I am looking forward to living closer to family and maybe actually having a life and going on a date or two with my husband. It's just a hard thing, moving that is. We've made a life for ourselves here, and it's scary. Change is scary. We've been praying a lot lately, just to make sure this is the right move for our family. And we believe it is, I guess I just feel overwhelmed because of the packing. You never really know how much stuff you have until you have to pack it all up! But we will be fine, we will survive. I guess I'm just dreading the drive too - but we'll just take it one day at a time. That's all we can do.


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

I know that your totally stressed right now. but just think... I'm just a short drive away. we could actually see each other! OMGosh! I love the thought of our Josh's getting together for a play date.... LOL! hang in there, let me know if there's anything I can do, even if it's just to listen.
Love you babe!

Jill and Lonnie said...

I love how you re-did your blog! Sorry about the crying sagas. Don't worry . . . this too shall pass and it's not that bad to live with inlaws! :) Don't think about all the stuff you didn't do . . . you accomplished a ton. Do you have any friends who will watch your kids for a few hours while you pack. It helped a ton when my friends watched McKayla before we moved in the summer. Hang in there.