
New Adventures

Well it's time to for me to come to terms with things. We put our house on the market as of Monday night. It's a pretty scary thing to do. I have so many memories in this house, we made it our home, and we have a lot of good friends that we've come to know and love. Josh has lived here since he was 7 months old, and Maddie - well, her whole life. It's only been three years that we've lived here, and even though I always complain about not living closer to family - this is our home.

As with everything, moving closer to family has it's advantages and disadvantages. Brad keeps joking that maybe we'll actually have a life when we move - mainly because we might have a couple of people available to watch our kids.

So to back up a little - Brad has been applying for jobs in Washington for a little while now. We didn't want to say anything to anyone because we didn't want to jinx ourselves - but he has a job in Washington which starts next month. We knew getting into this that if it happened, it would happen fast. So he got a job offer on Monday, and it just happened to coincide with us putting the house up for sale. So we'll probably live with Brad's parents until our house sells, and then buy a house in the area that we'll be living in.

It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I'm really excited to live closer to family, to move back to Washington - because in all reality that's where "home" is to us. This, Utah, has never really felt like home. And we knew eventually that we were going to be moving back to the Northwest, we just didn't know when. Also, we didn't know when another opportunity to move back would come, so we couldn't pass this one up. But scary at the same time, as in - now I have to pack up all of our crap, get Josh readjusted into a new school, move period, and just adjusting to a smaller city - possibly living out in the country, etc. I had my first (and definitely not last) breakdown last night. My biggest worry is the kids and Josh's school. But they are still very young, so if we want to move - now is probably the time.

There is so much to think about, so much to do, I'm already feeling overwhelmed - but I'd rather get as much done now as possible. I have so much going on in my head that it's hard to think straight, let alone write it all down. So wish us good luck and if you know anyone that wants to buy a house in Utah...


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

I'm so glad that we got a chance to catch up this morning. I'll be praying for you and your family with the big move ahead. Just remember that you are the rock of your family. YOU set the tone. be positive for you kiddos, show them the excitement, not the worry. It'll be hectic and stressful... I can't lie about that, but just remember... it's one step closer to your BIG goals!
love ya girl...

JennGoodley said...

OH MY CRAP!!!!! I don't know what to say! I am happy cause you will be in the same state as me now!!!!! but sad for all your friends you have made in Utah. You will have to tell me when you get here cause we are going to be in Kennewick for the week of thanksgiving. That might be pushing it a bit for you, but let me know when you are going to be there or when/if you ever come to the Seattle area. I don't know where Brad's parents live. OH MY OH MY!!!! I know you are freaked but everything will be fine. You have to give me more details.....

Anonymous said...

I like the new blog layout and colors. We are going to miss you Brady has already said as much. I still need to return your plate and tupperware. :>
I hope that you will stay in touch. More than just xmas cards and stuff. When we make it back to Moses Lake maybe we will take a detour and come say hello.

joshnmaddiesmum said...

I will definitely keep in touch with everyone - and not just xmas cards:) And Heids - anytime, anytime!!! And, I need to get your books back to you before I pack them up. Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and support. I appreciate all of it!