
I am a Scentsy Consultant

Well for those of you who don't know...I just became a Scentsy consultant. This is the first time that I have ever tried anything at all in dealing with direct sales. I've wanted to try some things before, but either never had enough money, drive, or knew enough people to even start thinking about doing something like this. I have friends that are consultants with other companies and see how well they are doing, and I just had my first Scentsy party...it did so well, that I thought - hey why not become a consultant. My party allowed me to get $140 worth of free product and 4- 1/2 price items!! Whoa! And I like Scentsy (this is candles, by the way), because it's easy. They practically sell themselves, and there is not a ton of information that I have to remember about each product. Pretty self explanatory.

So my starter kit arrived on Monday. I've got some business cards, catalogs, and order forms ready to go. I've got all of the scents and my handbook, and the even better news is that I've already done one party, have another on the books, and yet another one that we're trying to get scheduled!! Yippee! So, my short term goal was to see how this whole thing played out and to at least get back (money), what I put in. And so far, it looks like I'm going to get that.

Not sure if it's going to bring in any major cash, but a little here a little there will help with a few bills - ie my student loan! But if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. I'm just going to see how it goes...so wish me luck!

1 comment:

haikitay said...
