
Maddie is 9 Months

Time flies so fast when you have kids. I mean, the day by day grind gets old and some days feel like they're never going to end. And I mean never - minutes are like hours! But then there are other days that seem to just fly by. And as my kids get older and older, time feels like it just keeps going by even faster than it did before. So yesterday was one of those days. Maddie was 9 months old yesterday and I can't believe it. She's definitely not a little baby any more and is becoming and acting more and more like a toddler every day. So far she's done almost everything sooner than Josh. Here is a little breakdown of everything:
  • rolling over: Josh - 3 1/2 months, Maddie - 3 months
  • sitting up: Josh - 7 months, Maddie - 8 months
  • crawling: Josh - 8 months, Maddie - 7 months
  • teeth: Josh - 10 months, Maddie - 7 1/2 months
  • standing up: Josh - 10 months, Maddie - 8 months
  • walking: Josh - 13 months, Maddie - we'll see??

So here are a few pictures of my big girl. Her hair is getting longer and she's starting to crawl just as fast as Josh did. Hope everyone enjoys the pics.

Here she is enjoying her favorite past time - eating.

Having fun with bubbles.

My little princess.

One of the few pictures of me and the kids.


Missa said...

cute! they grow up so darn fast.

JennGoodley said...

WOW! how adorable is she?!?!?!?!? I love the pic of all 3 of you. I can't believe how big both of them are but maddie ecspecially! she is growing up so fast I can't even believe it!