

Last night was a pretty interesting night at our house, and it made me start thinking about a lot of things and just men in general. I guess I should explain what happened first before delving into my thoughts. This week Brad has "school" and he sees a couple of guys he normally doesn't see because they are not on his dock, but they do see each other at school. So anyways...he was telling me earlier this week that a couple of the guys and him wanted to go shooting and this is their last school and the last time they'd all be together - blah, blah, blah if you ask me. But Brad is into guns and loves to go shooting, and really hasn't gone that often since we moved to Utah, but it is what it is.

So last night, he tells me that he is definitely going shooting tomorrow (tonight) after his classes. And I was like, wait a minute - I don't quite remember our conversation going the way that he thinks it did. Last I remember, he was just telling me that he wanted to go and what night would be a good night for me. And I jokingly said - oh Wednesday night would be good because I knew that he couldn't go due to a Union meeting. But we never officially decided on a day and he didn't tell me until I saw all of his gear out by the bed, which was about 10:30 last night. Oh, men.

I mean, I know that he has to have time to himself too and that he has hobbies and would love to spend more time enjoying his hobbies - but I also think too, what about us. I love spending time with Brad - and I always have. I want to spend time with him, and would rather spend time with him than with anybody else (besides my kids). So I actually like hanging out with him, but also - don't get me wrong, he does get on my nerves from time to time - but who doesn't (have that happen to them, that is). And he doesn't get the fact that he gets to go to work everyday (granted, he might want to do other stuff at times) - but he gets to get away from us - from me, the kids, the responsibilities at home. And do I get to do that? No! I stay home almost every day - cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids, etc. I'm not complaining, really, I'm just stating a fact. I'm not resentful (even though it might sound like that). I do enjoy staying home - but it would be nice every once in a while to get away or go to work and have adult conversations.

And what goes through their heads after a conversation? I mean, I know men and women think totally different - but we didn't decide on a day (or so I thought) and then last night - it just felt like he sprung it on me. He probably already had it decided in his head, and then just didn't communicate that to me. And now he thinks and said - "oh, I never get to go do anything fun, what about my hobbies, etc." - which I totally get. I do, I get it. I'm not mad that he's going, and I guess it's not really a big deal. My point is that I just wonder what he is thinking. I don't think I'm saying this right, but what do men think about? It's just curious to me how we have a conversation and we think in two completely different circles.

Oh, and by the way. All of his gear is still sitting by the bed. So we'll see tonight what happens. I'm not really sure if he's going or not. This might be interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go shooting with him.. I did it with clark and it was a blast. I have done it with past boyfriends too. We need to find you a babysitter.