

First off, I can't believe it's been 7 years since 9.11. Seven years. It's sad to say that when I woke up today, I didn't even think of the date. I didn't think of the date yesterday or the day before that. It's depressing to think that this date can be so easily forgotten. I think it's harder for people that weren't directly effected (and when I say directly, I mean actually losing someone you know personally - because we were all directly effected by this) to forget. And writing the word forget seems so harsh. It's not that I've forgotten, I will never forget that this horrid event occurred. But forget as in, I don't think about it everyday and haven't for years now. It's sad to think about it - the forgetting part.

I do still remember where and what I was doing when it happened. I was a nanny for the triplets and I came upstairs to eat breakfast. D was out of town and P just kept staring at the TV and saying - "a plane (at the time) just flew into one of the towers at the WTC" - and I was thinking, "what?" It was horrific to see a plane fly into one of the towers, let alone people jumping out of them, and the towers falling - actual buildings falling due to terrorists. Terrorists!When it happened, I was in complete shock and couldn't grasp what was happening and how much it was going to effect the world. At the time I was only 22 years old, I hadn't lived my life (still haven't) and it's just amazing how much has changed in the last seven years. I mean - I graduated from nursing school, got married, have moved 3 times, have had 2 kids, and that's just the big stuff. I can't even begin to imagine what is was like for anyone that knew someone that died, if that makes any sense. Well none of it makes any sense really.

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