
Whatta Day

Day started out fine, but is progressively getting worse! I didn't get together with a friend today because I had so much to do, but now I wish that I would have said - to hell with all of that stuff and went over to her house anyways. So we needed to go grocery shopping, and I always hate it when I have to bring both kids with me. It makes it that much more difficult. So I warned the kids that they needed to be good, listen to mommy and keep their hands to themselves. Ha! We walk into the grocery store and lo and behold is one of those carts that looks like a car. Moms, you know - the one that is almost impossible to maneuver, is like a football field long, and hardly has any basket space for actual food. Well you get the point. Those things should be illegal.

So the kids begged me to get into one, and yes - I gave in. I thought this would solve all of the fighting, and keep them happy until I got all the shopping done. Silly mommy, what was I thinking? I must have forgotten that I was shopping with 2 young kids. So as I'm trying to steer this massive shopping cart - I keep missing isles and bumping into other peoples' carts, etc. The kids are starting to scream, fight, want this and that, and want out - and oh, I don't think so. So I'm running around like a mad woman and when we finally get done. I'm exhausted!

Get home, unload all the groceries, empty the dishwasher, reload the dishwasher, finish putting the kids bedding back on their beds (I did 2 loads of laundry before I left the house), made the kids lunch, and cleaned up the kitchen. And yes, I was exhausted, but because I knew that Brad and I were having a date night - it kept me sane.

So grocery shopping - check. Cleaned up house - check. Laundry done - check. Babysitter - check. New makeup to look beautified - check.

Husband standing me up because he has to work - Priceless.


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

Oh, babe! I'm so sorry!

I honestly can't remember the last time Craig and I had a date night... how tragic!

What a day is right! Tomorrow will be better! Right?!

Jill and Lonnie said...

Oh,sad! :( Hopefully Brad will make it up to you! I hate it when things like that happen . . . makes you want to eat a entire carton of ice cream all by yourself!

Missa said...

well at least you had the thought to keep you sane, even if you didn't have the actual date...
and yes those carts should absolutely be illegal. not only are they impossible to maneuver, they spread disease worse than typhoid mary.
somehow Finn knows we never use those, he usually still asks but when I say no, he says, because they make you sick? yes, honey, because they make you sick.
that must have been another one of those things invented to make mom's lives easier, but because it was invented by a man, it just totally missed the mark. ha ha ha

Dawnell said...

Oh, that's the worst! The being stood up, I mean. Adrienne, maybe you need to move to the middle east. All my expat friends here have full-time maids and they have date night every week! There's just one catch... ALL of the shopping carts here steer like the kiddie-car shopping carts!