
My Week (LONG post)

My, oh my - where do I begin? Well it has been one of the worst weeks I've probably had in quite some time. Let's see I'll just start off with the beginning of the week.

Sunday - at about 4 or 5am, Josh got sick, throwing up to be exact. We couldn't get him back to sleep - I slept out on the couch for a little bit before finally get "up" at 6:15. He had also been coughing a little since Friday - which was in full swing by Sunday.

Monday - we had Josh's hearing test. Which that was a lot to deal with. Brad worked on Sunday night, so I had his mom come up to watch Maddie so I could take Josh to his hearing test. So I get home from that, and Maddie is acting up. She's being really whiny and won't eat. We finally get the kids down for their naps and Maddie wakes up after only sleeping a hour. One hour. Brad goes in there, and she has puked all over the place. We stick her in the bath, get all of her bedding in the washer, and I'm holding her in the kitchen. Lo and behold, she pukes all over me. Yuck!!!! So after putting her in the bath again, more laundry, me taking a quick shower - ughh. She ended up getting sick a few more times that evening and really wasn't herself. I'm just so glad that Brad was home to help with all of that. The kids didn't sleep good that night either.

Tuesday - I woke up early Tuesday morning (1am) to find my stomach in knots. It was literally turning over and over, and I was trying to fight it - but I couldn't. I ended up getting sick at about 4am, and it just went down hill from there. I was extremely sick (no details needed), and I had a fever, body aches and was just hurting all over. I thought I was going to die, I was THAT sick. Brad called in sick from work so that he could take care of the kids for me, because there was no possible way that I could have done anything! I was sick the entire day - I couldn't keep anything down, and my fever finally broke at about 9pm. I went to bed feeling a little better, but definitely not 100% and definitely feeling beat up! And to top that all off, the kids were even sicker - and there is no nice way to put this, but they had the runs. Both of them!

Wednesday - Brad got sick. So it was me not feeling the best, feeling so weak trying to take care of the kids - but luckily Brad's mom came up again and we got the kids out of the house, but then I started to feel sick again, but that passed and I was glad. Maddie was still a little sick, but was starting to get better. The rest of my day was spent doing damage control - doing dishes, laundry (mounds and mounds of nasty laundry), disinfecting, etc. Plus on top of all of that - Josh decided to poop in the tub when Brad was giving them a bath while I was cleaning the master bathroom so Brad could take a bath for his beat up body. So I cleaned 2 bathrooms that night as well - I was bone tired.

Thursday - More laundry (and this was just to get the rest of the stuff caught up), more dishes and we had to run to Target because after not getting a paycheck for 30 days - things started to add up! Big time! So $200 later - we finally had everything we needed.

Today - I'm still exhausted. The kids woke up several times last night, much to my dismay. Brad also worked until about 10 last night, so I was on my own. This just has not been a good week. I'm so tired and if I could just get like 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I think I might feel a little bit more energized. But oh well. And that's where we are right now.


Jennifer (Niffer) said...

I'm so sorry babe! I've been there too! Horrid! How did Josh's hearing test go? Miss you!

Jill and Lonnie said...

Yuck. I'm so sorry. That's the worst when Mommy gets sick, too. No one takes care of the mama. It sounds like Brad did his best to help though. HOpe you guys are all feeling better.