
Josh and School

Where, oh where, do I begin? Well Josh is doing really well in school. He has come a long way with his speech therapy. He is talking in 3-5 word sentences now, is saying more and more complex words everyday, and has just made huge leaps forward - it's truly amazing. I'm so proud of him.

My problem begins with the fact that since he is on an IEP (Individualized Evaluation Program - I think that's what it stands for) - he has to be re-evaluated by his birthday, which is quickly approaching. Since moving up this way and starting his new preschool, the teachers there think that he may not qualify for services - which is really good, but bad at the same time. Since he might not qualify - there is nothing within the school district here for him to be in. The class that he's in now is only for students who qualify for services. Now don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that he might not be needing anymore speech therapy - but the thought of him not being in school until the fall is scary for me. Especially since we live where we live now. We haven't met any kids his age, except for his cousin, so there isn't too much socializing going on.

So they have another preschool program here that goes hand in hand with a gym class. The kids go outside everyday, do gymnastics everyday, but still do a lot of academic stuff. Well when I called to see if they had any openings - they did, but only one. And I've heard such great things about this place, so I know those spots go fast. So since I wanted to have a back up plan, I signed him up for this as well. I didn't want him to not be in school until the fall - because it would be a long 6 months! And I didn't want to lose the one spot that was available. To make a long story short - Josh will be going to school 4 days a week now. His regular school on Mon/Wed and the other school on Tues/Thurs - until the school district re-evaluates him. And then if he does not qualify for services, then he will only be going Tues/Thurs.

Now I'm feeling a little guilty about sending him to more school. I feel guilty that I might be pushing him too hard or that it will be too much. But he absolutely loves school. He asks to go everyday! He just needs more - more time with other kids, more activities to keep him busy - but I still feel guilty. Guilty that I'm in part doing it for myself, because I do need more of a break from him - guilty, guilty, guilty. We'll just have to see how it works out and see if he likes it and how well he adjusts.

1 comment:

Missa said...

that darn mother's guilt rears its ugly head!
you are a great mom and you are dong a great job! and if he loves it, why not?
just be thankful he's not like Finn, fighting and screaming the whole way to school, then when he gets out he's all happy because he had such a good time, until he sees mommy, then he's in a foul mood again.
I just love this phase we're in...