

Well Josh started school today. He had a blast and I got good reports all around from his teacher. We were late though and I was also late picking him up. I hate it when I do that. I don’t ever want to be late picking him up again, so I will make it a point to find out exactly how long it takes me to get there! I just have to keep in mind that we do live out in the country now – and everything else is “in town”. It feels so weird to say that, but it’s true. To go in town, takes at least 15 minutes, just to get there, and another 15-20 to get back. So we’ll just have to leave earlier in the morning, which isn’t a problem with my early birds! We got the newspaper set up today, so I’m excited to read that. I know, little things.

Brad’s mom came up this morning and then she’ll come back after visiting her dad and stay for dinner – so that’s good. Tomorrow we’ll probably do a little grocery shopping, and that’s all I have planned for this week. Brad will be home on Saturday, but will probably work on Sunday – but I think my sister might come up, so that’s good. We definitely need to buy more furniture and more decorating stuff for this house! The house in Utah was about this size – a little smaller, but the basement wasn’t finished – so it wasn’t livable space. Here, we have plenty of room, but not enough furniture to fill it! We need to buy a computer desk, another TV, a couch for the bonus room, and lots and lots of decorating stuff! So if anyone has any ideas after seeing the pictures – I could use a little help in the decorating department!

1 comment:

JennGoodley said...

ooops being late one day is not a bad thing you just need to get used to it. Once you do you will be fine and will have no problems. Yeah buying more stuff for the house how much fun is that??????