
Little Maddie

Well Madison got her first haircut yesterday (as done by me). It's kind of hard to tell that she got it cut unless you look really close, and it is pretty choppy. But I was just getting so tired of all of her long baby hairs (the ones that didn't fall out when she was younger), that I was like - this is it, time for a cut! The pictures really don't do it justice - you can hardly see anything that's been done. But I guess I notice, since I see her everyday.

And I finally got our printer rehooked back up to the laptop, so I'm going to scan her 6-month pictures and see how they turn out and post them if I can. Also, we finally had a good night last night. Thank God! It had been 2 nights without sleep and I was beginning to lose my mind. She had been sleeping through the night (well, most nights) when she started waking up again on Friday and Saturday night. So, I actually got about 6-7 straight sleep - oh, they were glorious and now I feel a lot better today. Whoohoo!

Last note - Maddie is almost crawling the conventional way, but her newest thing is getting on all fours, and lifting one arm up to reach for a toy, her binkie, etc. and then putting it in her mouth. She looks so cute when she does that. And it's making me realize that she isn't going to be a baby for very much longer. I keep telling myself that I want her to be older (so she can walk around, so that I don't have to carry her around everywhere), but I should try to enjoy this time as much as possible. Oh, so sad! My babies are growing up. Time goes by too fast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey I just read M's blog and wanted to put the same thing on yours...I say we all go camping. During the week without hubbies. Bring the pack and play for the wee ones and let the boys just get as dirty as possible. If they wear themselves out playing they will sleep. Lets wait for little J. to get off his cast and then Tom will be out of school for 3 weeks again.